
A script which converts OAI-PMH data to DOAJ, and (optionally) to DBLP format or PBN format. How to use the script is described in manual.

This script uses a few Perl modules (see lines: 36-45 and 540 of the source code). In order to install them, execute the following command (in Ubuntu):

apt-get install  libhttp-oai-perl libwww-mechanize-perl libxml-saxon-xslt2-perl
You can also install them using 'cpanm Module::Name' command.


1.01 (19-01-2014)

Source code

If you want to install the below source code, then execute:
chmod 755
After that, edit the script, read carefully the information contained in the comments (at the beginning of the script), and follow the steps provided there.
# PMH_CONVERT.PL written by Stanislaw Polak
# By default, the script only converts OAI-PMH data to DOAJ. 
# If you copy file, 
# then  it will also convert  them to DBLP.
# If you copy file, 
# then  it will also convert  them to PBN.
# If you want to display documentation, then execute 
# the following command: './ --man'
# or visit
my $OAI_SITE          = '';            #URL of the source data (OAI-PMH data)
my $JOURNAL_NAME      = 'Computer Science Journal';                       #The name of your journal
my $JOURNAL_KEY       = 'csci';                                           #Journal key for DBLP
my $JOURNAL_PUBLISHER = 'AGH University of Science and Technology Press'; #The publisher of the journal
my $JOURNAL_ADDRESS   = 'Krakow';                                         #Publisher's address
my $JOURNAL_URL       = '';               #URL of the journal
my $JOURNAL_ISSN_PRINT  = '1508-2806';                                    #ISSN of your journal of print edition
my $JOURNAL_ISSN_ONLINE = '2300-7036';                                    #ISSN of your journal of electronic edition
my $DOAJ_FILENAME       = 'csci-doaj.xml';                                #The name of the output DOAJ file
my $DBLP_FILENAME       = 'csci-dblp.xml';                                #The name of the output DBLP file
my $PBN_FILENAME        = 'csci-pbn.xml';                                 #The name of the output PBN file

################### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ####################################################
#The modules used by the script
use HTTP::OAI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple qw(get);
use Locale::Country;
use Locale::Language;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTML::FormatText;
use Getopt::Long ();    #   Resist name-space pollution!
use Pod::Usage ();      #   Ditto!
#binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
$main::VERSION = "1.01";                           #Version of the script
my $DOAJ_SITE  = ''; #Where the $DOAJ_FILENAME  should be sent
#Creates 'doaj_name'  element' and puts into it the contents (text node) of the 'oai_name' element
sub OAIElementCopyContent {
    my $oai_name=shift; #a name of existing oai element
    my $doaj_name=shift;#a name of created doaj element
    my $oai_rec=shift;  #input OAI record
    my $doaj_doc=shift; #output XML document
    #get the 'oai_name'  element from the DOM tree associated with  the OAI record
    my $data = $oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ($oai_name);
	#if the element exists, then
	my $content = $data->[0]->textContent;              #get its context (text node)
	my $element = $doaj_doc->createElement($doaj_name); #create output 'doaj_name' element
	$element->appendText($content);                     #and put to it, the content of the input 'oai_name' element
	return $element;
    } #if($data)
} #sub OAIElementCopyContent

#Converts all records of OAI document within the specified date range (date_from/date_until)  into DOAJ document
sub convertToDOAJ
    my %oai_request_params = %{shift()};
    print "\033[1mOpening $OAI_SITE site\033[0m\n";

    #connect to the OAI page specified in the global variable 'OAI_SITE'
    my $h = new HTTP::OAI::Harvester(baseURL=>$OAI_SITE);

    #get all records  within the specified date range
    my $response = $h->ListRecords( %oai_request_params);
    if( $response->is_error ) {
	die("Error harvesting: " . $response->message . "\n");
    my $message="for all records"; #a message containg information which records  are taken into account    
    $message= "for records belonging to the interval from $oai_request_params{'from'}" if exists $oai_request_params{'from'};
    $message .= " until $oai_request_params{'until'}" if exists $oai_request_params{'until'};
    print "\033[1mGenerating $DOAJ_FILENAME file $message\033[0m\n";
    #create an empty output DOAJ document
    my $doaj_doc = XML::LibXML->createDocument("1.0","UTF-8");

    #create the root element 'records'  and append it to the the DOAJ document 
    my $records = $doaj_doc->createElement("records" );
    $doaj_doc->setDocumentElement( $records );

    #Go through all records
    while(my $oai_rec = $response->next ) {  
	print  $oai_rec->identifier,"\n";

	#get the data contained in the element "dc:source"
	#this element contains: "the name of a journal ; a volume number and an issue number ; start page of the article"
	my @source;
	my $data = $oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:source");
	if($data) {
	    #Split the content of the "dc:source" into a list of strings and put it in the 'source' array 
            #the first element of this array contains: the name of a journal, 
            #the second one, contains: a volume number and an issue number
	    #the third one contains: start page of the article 
	#Create output elements
	#create the 'record' element 
	my $record = $doaj_doc->createElement("record" );
        #create the 'language' element based on the  "dc:language" element
	$data = $oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:language");
	    my $lang = $data->[0]->textContent;
		#Convert from ISO 639-1 standard to iso 639-2b
		# if necessary
		my $lg= code2language($lang);
		if($lg) { 
		    $lang = language2code($lg, LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3); #convert
		} #if($lg)
		my $language = $doaj_doc->createElement("language" );
	    } #if($lang)
	}# if($data)
	#create the 'publisher' element and put into it, the content of the (input) "dc:publisher" element

	#create the 'journalTitle' element - name of the journal is  the first element of the 'source' array
	    my $journal = $doaj_doc->createElement("journalTitle");
	#create the 'issn' element based on the 'JOURNAL_ISSN_PRINT' global variable
	    my $issn = $doaj_doc->createElement("issn");
	#create the 'publicationDate' element and put into it, the content of the (input) "dc:date" element

	#create the 'publicationDate' element based on information in the second "dc:identifier" element
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:identifier");
	    if($data->[1]->textContent =~ /csci\.(\d+).*/){
		my $publicationDate = $doaj_doc->createElement("publicationDate");
	#create the 'volume' and the 'issue' elements based on the data in the second element of the 'source' array
	    if($source[1] =~ /Vol (\d+)/){
		my $volume = $doaj_doc->createElement("volume");
	    if($source[1] =~ /No (\d+)/){
		my $issue = $doaj_doc->createElement("issue");

	#create the 'startPage' element based on the data in the third element of the 'source' array
	    my $startPage = $doaj_doc->createElement("startPage");
	    $source[2] =~ s/^\s+//; #remove white spaces

	#create the 'doi' element based on the data in the second (input) "dc:identifier" element
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:identifier");
	    my $doi = $doaj_doc->createElement("doi");

	#create the 'documentType' element and put into it, the content of the (input) "dc:type" element

	#create the 'title' element, containing the 'language' attribute; put into the content of the element, the content of the (input) "dc:type" element
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:title");
	    my $title = $doaj_doc->createElement("title");
            my $string = $data->[0]->textContent;
            $string =~ s/([\w']+)/\u\L$1/g; #titlecase
	#create the 'authors' element and its content
	my $authors = $doaj_doc->createElement("authors");
	my @affiliations=(); #create an empty array of authors' affiliations
	#Go through all authors - each (input) "dc:creator" element contains information about each author
	foreach $data ($oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:creator")){
	    my $aff_id; #affiliation id
	    my $author = $doaj_doc->createElement("author"); #create the 'author' element

            #Split the content of the "dc:creator" into a list of strings and put it in the 'creator' array 
            #the first element of this array contains: "the last name of the author, the first name of the author"
            #the second one, contains: the first affiliation of the author
	    #the third one contains: the second affiliation of the author, etc.
	    my @creator = split(/;/,$data->textContent);
	    #create the 'name' element based on the data in the first element of the 'creator' array
		my $name = $doaj_doc->createElement("name");
		$creator[0] =~ /(.+), (.+)/; #swap first name and last name
		$name->appendText("$2 $1");
	    #create the 'email' element, provided that  author's affiliation contains the email address
	    if($data->textContent =~ /\b([^\s]+@[^\s]+)\b/g){  #find email addresses in author's affiliation
		my @address= grep {/\@/} $1; #and remember them in the 'address' array 
		if($address[0]){ 	  #if it was found, then create the output element based on the first email address 
		    my $email = $doaj_doc->createElement("email");
	    #create the 'affiliationId' element and an array of (unique) affiliations
	    if(scalar(@creator) >= 2){ 
                #if the size of the 'creator' array is greater than 2, this  means that the author has at least one affiliation
		my ($affiliationId);
		for(my $i=1 ; $i<scalar(@creator);$i++){ #Go through all author affiliations
		    $creator[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; #Remove white spaces

		    if( $creator[$i] =~ /\b([^\s]+@[^\s]+)\b/g){ #if the affiliation contains the email address	
			$creator[$i] = $`.$'; #then remove the email address

			next if ($` eq '' and $' eq ''); #if the affiliation contains only the email address, ignore this affiliation
		    $creator[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; #Remove white spaces
		    $creator[$i] =~ s/,$//;   #Remove last ",
		    #Check if author's affiliation  already exists in a table of affiliations
		    if($creator[$i] ~~ @affiliations){#If it  exists then remember the index
		    else {
                        #If it does not  exists, then add the affiliation to the table
			$aff_id=$#affiliations+1; #affiliation id is the actual  size of the table

		    #create the 'affiliationId' element
		    $affiliationId = $doaj_doc->createElement("affiliationId");
		}#for(my $i=1
	    } #if(scalar(@creator) >= 2
	} #for dc:creator
	#create the 'affiliationsList' element and its subelements, provided that the array of affiliations  contains any element
            #if the array contains any element
	    my $affiliationsList = $doaj_doc->createElement("affiliationsList");   #create the 'affiliationsList' element
	    my $aff_id=1;
	    foreach my $aff_name (@affiliations){  
                #Go through all  affiliations
		#and create  the 'affiliationName' element
		my $affiliationName = $doaj_doc->createElement("affiliationName");
		$aff_name =~ s/^\s+//; #Remove white spaces

	#create the 'abstract' element, containing the 'language' attribute; put into the content of the element, the content of the (input) "dc:description" element
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:description");
	    my $abstract = $doaj_doc->createElement("abstract");
	#create the 'fullTextUrl' element, based on the information contained on the website (target page), whose address is contained in the first element 'dc:identifier'
	#the target page contains a link to a full (PDF) version of the article
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:identifier");
	    my $fullTextUrl = $doaj_doc->createElement("fullTextUrl");

	    #Go through the content of the target  page
	    for my $line (split qr/\R/, get($data->[0]->textContent)) {
		if($line =~ /name="citation_pdf_url" content="(.*)"/){ #find the link 
		    $fullTextUrl->appendText($1); #and remember this link 

	#create the 'keywords' element and its subelements, based on the  "dc:subject" element
	$data=$oai_rec->metadata->dom->getElementsByTagName ("dc:subject");
	    my $keywords = $doaj_doc->createElement("keywords");

	    #the input element "dc:subject" contains keywords as a string, and  all of them are separated by a comma
	    #in the output element, each keyword must be a single element 'keyword'
	    my @words=split(/,/,$data);#Place each keyword in a separate element of the 'words' array 
	    foreach my $item (@words){ #Go through all keywords
		$item =~ s/^\s+//; #Remove white spaces

                #put each keyword (each element of the 'words' array) in  a single element 'keyword'
		my $keyword = $doaj_doc->createElement("keyword"); 

    }#while(my $oai_rec = $response->next 
    $doaj_doc->toFile($DOAJ_FILENAME,2); #put the output document in the file
    print "\033[1mThe file has been generated\033[0m\n"
} #sub convertToDOAJ

#Sends DOAJ document to a remote repository
sub sendDOAJ
    my $login=shift;
    my $password=shift;

    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    # Authorization
    $mech->credentials($login, $password); #Provide credentials to be used for HTTP Basic authentication 
    $mech->get($DOAJ_SITE);                #Fetch a page with a HTML form
    die unless ($mech->success);

    # Filling out the form - sending the DOAJ file
    print "\033[1mI am sending $DOAJ_FILENAME to $DOAJ_SITE\033[0m\n";
	form_number => 1,
	fields      => {
	    fileName    =>  $DOAJ_FILENAME,

    # Displaying the response
    my $string = HTML::FormatText->format_string(
        leftmargin => 0, 
	rightmargin => 50
    print $string;

}#sub sendDOAJ

#Converts the DOAI document into DBLP document using XSLT 2.0
sub convertToDBLP {
    print "\033[1mGenerating $DBLP_FILENAME file\033[0m\n";
    open(my $input, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $DOAJ_FILENAME) or die $!;  #Open DOAJ file
    open(my $xslt, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', 'DBLP.xsl') or die $!;       #Open XSLT file
    my $trans  = XML::Saxon::XSLT2->new($xslt);    
    #Transformation parameters prior to running the transformation
        journal     => $JOURNAL_NAME,
        issn_online => $JOURNAL_ISSN_ONLINE, 
        issn_print  => $JOURNAL_ISSN_PRINT, 
        key         => $JOURNAL_KEY, 
        publisher   => $JOURNAL_PUBLISHER, 
        address     => $JOURNAL_ADDRESS,
        url         => $JOURNAL_URL 
    my $output = $trans->transform($input); #Transform the DOAJ file into DBLP file
    open (DBLP, ">$DBLP_FILENAME");         #and save it  
    binmode DBLP, ":utf8";
    print DBLP $output;
    close DBLP;
    print "\033[1mThe file has been generated\033[0m\n";
}#sub sendDBLP
#Converts the DOAI document into PBN document using XSLT 2.0
sub convertToPBN {
    print "\033[1mGenerating $PBN_FILENAME file\033[0m\n";
    open(my $input, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $DOAJ_FILENAME) or die $!;  #Open DOAJ file
    open(my $xslt, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', 'PBN.xsl') or die $!;       #Open XSLT file
    my $trans  = XML::Saxon::XSLT2->new($xslt);    
    #Transformation parameters prior to running the transformation
        issn_online => $JOURNAL_ISSN_ONLINE, 
        issn_print  => $JOURNAL_ISSN_PRINT, 
    my $output = $trans->transform($input); #Transform the DOAJ file into PBN file
    open (DBLP, ">$PBN_FILENAME");         #and save it  
    binmode DBLP, ":utf8";
    print DBLP $output;
    close DBLP;
    print "\033[1mThe file has been generated\033[0m\n";
}#sub sendDBLP

##### Main block #####################
Getopt::Long::Configure('auto_version'); #Automatically provide support for the --version option if the application did not specify a handler for this option itself.
my($man, $help, $doajLogin, $doajPass, $from, $until, %oai_request_params, $response);
    'help|?'      => \$help, 
    'man'         => \$man,
    'doajLogin=s' => \$doajLogin,
    'doajPass=s'  => \$doajPass

Pod::Usage::pod2usage(1) if $help; #Displaying help
Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 2,-exitstatus => 0) if $man; #Displaying manual
#unless ( defined( $from) && defined( $until ) ){
#    Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitstatus => 2 );

#Create a hash with an OAI request parameters
$oai_request_params{'from'}  = $ARGV[0] if defined($ARGV[0]); #start date
$oai_request_params{'until'} = $ARGV[1] if defined($ARGV[1]); #end date

#Convert records to DOAJ format

#Send DOAJ document if login and password  were given
if(defined($doajLogin) && defined($doajPass)){
use if -e 'DBLP.xsl' || -e 'PBN.xsl', 'XML::Saxon::XSLT2'; #Conditional loading module

#Convert the DOAJ document to DBLP format, if 'DBLP.xsl' is present
if(-e 'DBLP.xsl'){
else {
    print "\033[31mIf you want to convert DOAI document to DBLP format, you should place, in the current directory, file\033[0m\n";

#Convert the DOAJ document to PBN format, if 'PBN.xsl' is present
if(-e 'PBN.xsl'){
else {
    print "\033[31mIf you want to convert DOAI document to PBN format, you should place, in the current directory, file\033[0m\n";

=head1 NAME - converts an OAI-PMH document into the  DOAJ format; optionally also into the DBLP or PBN.

=head1 SYNOPSIS [--help] [--man] [--version] [--doajLogin username] [--doajPass password] [startDate] [endDate]


    # Generate, in  the current directory, DOAJ file 
    # for the entire period of time, i.e., for all (input) records.

    ./  2013-01-01  2013-07-30
    # Generate, in  the current directory, DOAJ file
    # for a given period of time.

    ./  --doajLogin 1234 --doajPass abcd  2013-01-01 2013-07-30
    # Generate, in  the current directory, DOAJ file
    # for a given period of time, and send DOAJ file to the DOAJ site;
    # sign in using '1234' as a username and 'abcd' as a password.


This script converts an PMH-OAI document into DOAJ, and optionally sends DOAJ output file to DOAJ repository. 

The script can also convert the data into DBLP format or PBN  format, but by default, the DBLP file / PBN file is not generated. If you copy the file  
and put it in the current directory, then the script, during its operation, will also generate an output file in DBLP format.
If you copy the file  
and put it in the current directory, then the script, during its operation, will also generate an output file in PBN format.

=head1 ARGUMENTS takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item help


(Optional.) Displays the usage message.

=item man


(Optional.) Displays all documentation.

=item version


(Optional.) Displays the current version of the script.

=item doajLogin

  --doajLogin login

(Optional.) Specifies the login name used during authentication on DOAJ repository.

=item doajPass 

  --doajPass  password

(Optional.)   Specifies the password used during authentication on DOAJ repository.

=item startDate 

(Optional.) Specifies the start date for a period of time.

=over 8

=item date

Format ISO 8601, see


=item endDate

(Optional.)  Specifies the end date for a period of time.

=over 8

=item date

Format ISO 8601, see



=head1 AUTHOR

Stanislaw Polak, E<lt><gt>.


This program is distributed under the Artistic License.

=head1 DATE

